Reviews of Shamanic Snuff Ascension

Core Information about this Rapeh

Tribe (and/or maker): Shamanic Snuff              BROWSE ALL RAPEHS


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Shamanic Snuff Ascension

Core Information about Ascension

Number of ratings: 30
Country of origin: Peru
Ingredients: (unknown), Tobacco
Sourced from: Shamanic Snuff

Overall Description

This is a gray blend and very aromatic. Also surprisingly a little grainy. I need to work a lot more with this one, but it seems quite strong and loving.

Further Stats


All Reviews So Far

On 21/05/2024, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kuntanawa: Jatoba. The room had a temperature of 25.5°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Spirit Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Manifest Miracles I Attraction 432 Hz I Elevate Your Vibration".
Jatoba was truly profound. What a blessing to my day.

Ceremony score: 67.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 7

On 05/11/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Katukina: Parica Cumaru. The room had a temperature of 15.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Experience GOD Knowledge 12000Hz 963Hz 5.5Hz Beyond Imagination Eargasm Meditation Music".
Ascension was nice and calming , and Parica Cumaru was deep and so lovely. A nice end to my weekend, and the future is so bright.

Ceremony score: 68.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 05/08/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Yawanawa: Samauma. The room had a temperature of 20.0°C and I smudged it with rosemary and white sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "THE MYSTERY OF BEING | HEALING MUSIC".
Some mind-chatter and burping, but overall a very deep meditation, with Samauma bringing great peace. Even Ascension was good, bringing calm to begin with. A lovely positive end to my afternoon on this rainy day.

Ceremony score: 69.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 06/07/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kuntanawa: Jatoba. The room had a temperature of 24.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Californian White Sage & Frankincense. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Meditation Music to create an Altered State of Consciousness".
Such a wonderfully quiet and deep meditation. Jaboba was amazing and so peaceful.

Ceremony score: 76.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 23/06/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kaxinawa: Iban. The room had a temperature of 25.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Californian White Sage & Frankincense. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".
A nice meditation, but some mind-chatter. Iban was really profound.

Ceremony score: 67.50

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 22/05/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Carlos: Cumaru. The room had a temperature of 25.0°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Californian White Sage & Frankincense. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
Although Ascension was very mild, Cumaro was deep and so loving, bringing a such a wonderful state of mind and positivity.

Ceremony score: 66.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 0 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 5 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 13/04/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Nukini: Onca. The room had a temperature of 16.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "READY IN 12: THE Most Powerful EUPHORIA Meditation 20 X THE POWER |3D ASMR Binaural Isochronic Tones".
Ascension was mild, but Onca was so loving and deep. I almost felt a wave of calm roll over me. A nice blessing to my day.

Ceremony score: 63.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 5 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 04/03/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kuntanawa: Samauma. The room had a temperature of 13.0°C and I smudged it with rosemary and white sage along with 1 insense sticks. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
Although Ascension was very mild, Samauma was so deep and it was so peaceful and calm, clearing my mind completely. A lovely end to my afternoon.

Ceremony score: 70.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 5 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 8

On 24/02/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kaxinawa: Iban. The room had a temperature of 25.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Sandalwood. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "THE MYSTERY OF BEING | HEALING MUSIC".
This was a strange one, but very good. When checking to see if I'd filled my second kuripe, I accidentally blew some Iban up my nose and had a very intense eurphoric sensation that lasted. I've given Iban credit for it here. A very deep meditation, albeit with some interruptions.

Ceremony score: 71.80

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 4 Day score 8

On 03/11/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very small amount of Yawanawa: Samauma combined with a moderate amount of Kaxinawa: Canaleiro. The room had a temperature of 23.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Manifest Miracles I Attraction 432 Hz I Elevate Your Vibration".
Not as good as full Samauma meditation, but it was relaxing, and I feel so good.

Ceremony score: 64.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 24/09/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Cabolco: Extremos. The room had a temperature of 18.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
Ascension was pleasantly aromatic but mild, but Extremos and strong. A good day.

Ceremony score: 70.00

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 0 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 11/09/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of Yawanawa: Samauma. The room had a temperature of 21.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
Yet another extremely beautiful meditation from Samuma (although Ascension was quite mild). I felt completely connected, bringing love to the world on this occult day.

Ceremony score: 80.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 10 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 8

On 25/08/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of Kaxinawa: Canaleiro. The room had a temperature of 21.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
Yet another wonderful meditation today. It's been a while since I've had Canaleiro, and it's such a beautiful blend.

Ceremony score: 79.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 15/07/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Katukina: Mulateiro. The room had a temperature of 22.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".
Ascension continues to be on the mild side, but Mulateiro is truly profound.

Ceremony score: 67.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 3 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 15/03/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shawandawa: Rawaputu. The room had a temperature of 23.0°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
Rawaputu is a really great rapé, bringing deep peace, love and connectedness. A good day!

Ceremony score: 69.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 4 Day score 8

On 24/02/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Puyanawa: Madre. The room had a temperature of 24.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Manifest Miracles I Attraction 432 Hz I Elevate Your Vibration".
A truly beautiful and loving meditation, where I sent love and healing to the world.

Ceremony score: 67.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 05/02/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a moderate amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Yawanawa: Parika. The room had a temperature of 17.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING INTO Altered States Of Consciousness✧Self Realize| Binaural Beats Meditation Theta".
Ascension was mild, but I didn't have much of it. An overall deep and loving meditation, although some mind-chatter.

Ceremony score: 61.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 5 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 4 Day score 8

On 14/01/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Puyanawa: Madre. The room had a temperature of 21.5°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Spirit Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
It was a bit of a tricky morning ceremony, with spitting and some mind-chatter, but overall relaxing and somehow just what I needed. My mind is clear now and I'm so optimistic for today and the days that lay ahead.

Ceremony score: 55.80

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 6
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 3 Interruption 4 Day score 8

On 04/01/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very small amount of Nukini: Trevo Cumaru combined with a standard amount of Puyanawa: Madre. The room had a temperature of 19.0°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "READY IN 12: THE Most Powerful EUPHORIA Meditation 20 X THE POWER |3D ASMR Binaural Isochronic Tones".
Overall a very good meditation. The right-nostril combination in particular gave a very deep and long-lasting sensation of calm and love.

Ceremony score: 73.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 10 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 22/12/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Nukini: Mulata. The room had a temperature of 18.0°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
A generally very nice meditation, although with some purging of mucus. Just the nature of these morning meditations. I feel good though and ready for my day.

Ceremony score: 60.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 10/11/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Crystal Vision. The room had a temperature of 21.0°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Spirit Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "READY IN 12: THE Most Powerful EUPHORIA Meditation 20 X THE POWER |3D ASMR Binaural Isochronic Tones".
The rapés were a little subtle, but the ceremony was somehow more than the sum of its parts, and I feel really good!

Ceremony score: 62.80

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 04/11/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a standard amount of Katukina: Mulateiro combined with a tiny amount of Clarity 7,0. The room had a temperature of 19.0°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Spirit Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Manifest Miracles I Attraction 432 Hz I Elevate Your Vibration".
This was a very mild meditation and a bit tricky, but I kept calm and very at peace.

Ceremony score: 53.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 4
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 6 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 03/11/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Nukini: Floresta. The room had a temperature of 19.5°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Divination Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
It was just such a subdued meditation, but also very calming. A bit of a strange one.

Ceremony score: 57.50

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 29/10/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Puyanawa: Madre. The room had a temperature of 20.0°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Spirit Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
Just a lovely calming meditation, in which I sent out so much love and light to the world.

Ceremony score: 66.00

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 0 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 20/09/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of Kuntanawa: Corda Tsunu. The room had a temperature of 21.5°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
Ascension was really nice, especially if done properly like this, and Corda Tsunu sent me into a deep and very loving meditation. This is just what I needed in this very difficult time.

Ceremony score: 74.50

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 5

On 13/09/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 20.5°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Spirit Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
Finally, a lovely early morning ceremony! The new tiled down kuripe technique is really working, and I had a lovely deep meditation, where I was so thankful and so calm.

Ceremony score: 69.50

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 7

On 05/09/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a standard amount of Yawanawa: Putanny (dark) combined with a very small amount of Varinawa: Samauma. The room had a temperature of 21.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
I tried an interesting combination with Varinawa Samauma, which was really good! Unfortunately I had mind-chatter, but it was a nice ceremony nevertheless.

Ceremony score: 66.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 4 Day score 8

On 14/08/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Machineri: Portal. The room had a temperature of 22.5°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Experience GOD Knowledge 12000Hz 963Hz 5.5Hz Beyond Imagination Eargasm Meditation Music".
Ascension, although very nice, was a little mild, but I still need to do a lot of work with it. Portal was amazing, and the loving chi energy was truly palpable.

Ceremony score: 67.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 3 Interruption 2 Day score 7

On 28/07/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Puyanawa: Masculine Rapé. The room had a temperature of 23.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
This was a rather mild meditation, but oh so peaceful, and I was very present throughout. Just a tremendous calm and a lovely aftereffect.

Ceremony score: 67.50

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 5
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 26/07/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Kuntanawa: Corda Tsunu. The room had a temperature of 24.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
I tried my new Shamanic Snuff rapé, Ascension. It's aromatic (as most of theirs are) and quite profound. I need to do more work with it. Corda Tsunu was amazing and very deep and loving.

Ceremony score: 73.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

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